
Hello Learning improves the education, wellbeing and life outcomes of young people through building the capacity of the adults who work with them.


Hello Learning improves the education, wellbeing and life outcomes of young people through building the capacity of the adults who work with them.

Hello Learning improves the education, wellbeing and life outcomes of young people through building the capacity of the adults who work with them.

Why the name Hello Learning?

A Little Bit About Me

A qualified teacher, consultant, coach and mentor dedicated to improving the education, wellbeing and life outcomes of young people by empowering the adults who work with them.


Curriculum and Assessment
Action research
Recovery and resilience

“Hello Learning has been built on saying ‘yes’ to interesting and challenging opportunities that have a direct or indirect positive impact on the lives of young people.”

“Hello Learning has been built on saying ‘yes’ to interesting and challenging opportunities that have a direct or indirect positive impact on the lives of young people.”

– Kirsten Furness

To get you started, check out our free VCE VM and VPC Resources.

Case Studies

Senior School Reform

Kirsten has been instrumental in shaping the curriculum for Work Related Skills (WRS) and Personal Development Skills (PDS) in the new VCE Vocational Major and Victorian Pathways Certificate.

Since 2022, she has supported teams at 40+ schools to develop context-specific and unique curriculum and assessment plans for Literacy, Numeracy, WRS and PDS through the Department of Education and by working directly with schools and other education settings.

She has also worked with the team at VCAA to deliver professional learning workshops across Victoria, and produced a range of supporting materials and documentation as part of the reform.

Natural Disaster Recovery

Bushfires, floods and a pandemic have left their mark on communities across Australia (and the globe) in recent years.

As part of a legacy project from the 2019-2020 ‘Black Summer’ of bushfires, Kirsten was engaged by the Victorian Department of Education to conduct a thematic analysis of the evidence base and action research, including fieldwork interviews with bushfire affected schools, into school recovery and resilience building after a catastrophic event, like a bushfire.

She was tasked with designing a practical and rigorous framework to guide short-,medium- and long-term school recovery and proactive resilience building that can be readily implemented by a school after an emergency event, and a model to support the workforce deployed to schools following a natural disaster.

Performance Management

What happens when a teacher is considered to be “underperforming”? It is such a complex, emotive and challenging situation to navigate, both for the teacher and the leaders who work with them.

As an organisational coach and experienced classroom teacher and leader, Kirsten has the expertise and emotional intelligence to build the capacity of a teacher who is undergoing a performance management process.

Through a combination of mentoring, coaching, classroom observation and timely feedback, Kirsten can skillfully work with the teacher and the leadership team to address concerns, develop strategies and monitor progress in a way that best serves the interests of the teacher, their students, and the school community.

Why are professional writing services important?

Kirsten Furness

Kirsten Furness

Innovative thinking, real world expertise, robust intuition and an innate ability for creating unique solutions to complex problems.