Improved outcomes for school and government
Improved outcomes for school and government
Hello Learning has been built on saying ‘yes’ to interesting and challenging opportunities that have a direct (or indirect) positive impact on the lives of young people.
Can you outline your process for understanding the specific needs of an educational institution?
What is the difference between coaching and mentoring?
- Leadership
- Middle leaders
- Emerging leaders
- Teams
- Performance and development
- Performance management
- Cultural change
- Managing conflict
Curriculum and Assessment
- Team planning
- Scope and sequence development
- Curriculum and assessment planning
- Curriculum review
- Assessment review
- Reporting review
- Implementation of new programs/curriculum/reporting
- Professional learning teams
- Classroom observation
- Resource development
- Senior School Reform
- New Victorian Curriculum
- Policy implementation
Action research
- Surveys
- Interviews
- Focus groups
- Observations
- Action plan development
- Research reports
- Strategy development
- Capacity building for emerging leaders
- Strategy review
- Vision, mission, values
- Managing change fatigue
- Strategic use of resources
- Professional Learning Plans
Recovery and resilience
- Leadership support
- Short, medium and long term recovery planning
- Curriculum modifications and interventions
- Classroom routines
- Student and staff wellbeing
- Trauma informed approaches
- Social and emotional learning programs